Tell us a bit about who you are and what you do.

Manchester Mind is a local mental health charity which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. As with all local Mind associations, we’re a proud member of the national Mind network, but an independent charity (1102058) raising all our own funds. We provide a wide range of support services and projects to alleviate the impact of poor mental health across the city. We support 6,500 children, young people and adults every year, but demand for services is increasing.

How did you get involved with Manchester Young Professionals?

MYP approached Manchester Mind to discuss a possible charity partnership in November 2018, and we were delighted to accept their energetic support throughout 2019. We were delighted to hear that the partnership has been extended for another year, which will have a fantastic impact on the vital donations raised for our mental health services.

What do you and MYP do together?

We’re proud to benefit from MYP’s inspiring calendar of annual events for members, whereby £1 per ticket is donated in aid of our local mental health services. We’ve provided free Mind materials for MYP sessions (focused on workplace wellbeing, relaxation, mindfulness, food and mood, physical activity, stress, sleep and local and national contacts) as well as delivering 1-2 free mindfulness sessions per year for MYP members.

What’s your favourite thing about Manchester?

We’re blessed with a strong sense of community and a magical sense of humour. Manchester may have terrible weather, but the people are the sunshine!

What’s been your favourite Manchester Young Professionals event?

The peaceful mindfulness session we delivered to members in 2019.

What’s up next for you and Manchester Young Professionals?

We’re offering another mindfulness session coming up soon – contract MYP for more details!